Saturday, December 25, 2010


দরজায় অনেকটা রক্ত লেগে আছে
জানালা দিয়ে দেখা যাচ্ছে না কিছু ;
গভীর রাত।
তবুও দুটো কাক মারপিট করছে,
গতকালের ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় কারো
অভিশাপ ছিলো।

দরজায় রক্তের মত মরচে লেগে আছে
সিলিং ফ্যান এ জমে আছে
গতজন্মের ধুলো।
সব জন্মই এভাবে নিঃশেষ হয়ে আসে ;
কাঁচ টুকরো টুকরো হয়, রক্ত হয়
পানসা, জোলো।

দরজায় নিশি নিঃশব্দে কড়া নাড়ে
দূরে রেললাইনে কাটা পড়ে
কার লাশ ?
যারা ভালবাসে বিষাক্ত শ্বাস নিতে
তাদের আছে মানিয়ে নিয়ে
চলার অভ্যাস।

দরজায় অনেকগুলো মাকড়শা বসে আছে
মুখের ভিতরে নরম
নগ্ন মাংস।
যে বাঁচবে, বেচবে নিজেকে শস্তায়
যে বাঁচবে না তার অভিশাপ
ঘোর কালো।

অনেকগুলো কুকুর কাঁদছে শোনো
শোনো, ছাদে হাঁটছে কেউ;
অতৃপ্ত শোক।
দরজায় ঠেস দিয়ে আমার মৃতদেহ বসে আছে
জ্বলন্ত চাহনি তার, স্থির
আগুন চোখ।

দীপ্তাঞ্জন শর্মা পুরকায়স্থ ।

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Would You too Break Me Down

I hear voices from the deep...
I hear a tanpura in the blizzard....

Would you too say that I'm hearing things?

I fall asleep on your lap...
Perfumed smokes all inside me....

Would you too say that I'm imagining things?

I see the goddesses in translucent polyesters...
I see the pyramids send sparks to the sky....

Would you too say that I'm seeing things?

I feel them all like spirits I feel.
When winds blow hard but you stand still,

Would you too say that I'm obsessed with time?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Subconscious fragments.

Silently I listen
To the soft sounds of rain
Fire and thunder

Hormones overcome me
It’s exactly as it should be
Your social rules

Ever true alchemy
Flesh tempts me
Lust time before

Eternity collapses. Fragments of Psyche. Mirrors turn black.
Amalgamation. Hormonal imbalance. Waves of temptations.
Flow of sins. Intriguing realizations. Ashes and graves.


Why am I alive?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I want to rest

I’m tired
Of breaking the vows.
I’m tired
Of an imagined romance.
Underneath prevails
The same nakedness, forever.

All the dirt
Can’t be washed away
In the rain.
You can’t forgive yourself.
A past
Keeps biting your consciousness.

The fires
Will be extinguished all.
The Slokas
Will be forgotten all.
The sense
Of being will only remain.

So now
Tired of anything Divine,
I’m tired
Of the meaningless disasters,
Too tired
Of the fatal addictions.

These thoughts…
These meaningless irritations…
My fingers
Etched on my face…
I need rest…
I want to rest.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Didactic Undertone

Breathing, as some one else would…

I am searching for a didactic undertone.

As I was walking today
Towards a connotation of my life,

I heard shadows whispering behind.

This is not where I want to be,
This is not what I want from me,

This is not the way it should have been.

Though I am searching for a delightful hormone,
So that I can look at you,

Yet I can’t have you for my own.

Through dried leaves, and regenerating leaves,
Time and space and I walk on.

We are searching for a didactic undertone.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A letter from your rainlover

The whole sky for me is a cloud today,
Sondha, play with me,
I’ll be the rain throughout the day.

I’ll make your salwar translucent,
Your waist has the curve of a river.
Your lips speak the language
Of red…
Sondha, play with me
On my childhood bed.

I’ll make you restless, like ocean waves,
I’ll be patient like mountain caves,
We will be lost in Ellora…

If we meet
I promise you a portrait.

The tighter I hold you,
The faster you’ll melt.

Fire will make you shiver,
With a wave of your wand
You’ll extinguish the candles.

In the darkness, you’ll be a poetess,
I’ll be raining in Egypt,
You’ll be a tigress.

Be drenched.
Sondha, play with me
West Wind led.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010



Thunder and lightening.
Beyond the congested road
They dance.

They dance like the mist,
They dance like the fog and filthy air,
They dance like flowers on the wind.

They keep dancing with skulls and bones,
They dance nude in silver moonlight.

Men await their verdict.

It keeps raining.
Acid comes out of the minds.

Graymalkin or Paddock won’t call them,
This time they will keep on dancing
Making days and nights as the earth moves.

Men await their verdict.


Fair is foul and foul is fair.

They make music out of their sisters’ skulls.
They make chestnuts out of raped flesh.

Unborn girls accompany them,
So do the ghosts of burnt women.

Now they are ready to haunt the cities, the tunnels, the bars, and the drains.

Now they are ready to haunt your computer screen.

Be ready to accept their verdict.


I am scared to see them dancing
Like the mist, rain, and stars.

I realize how beautiful they are.

They fill the planchet hole in my brain.
I am naked in front of the mirror.

The mirror speaks of God.
The mirror speaks of Evil.
The mirror speaks of the end.

Thrice the brindled cat hath mew’d.
Thrice and once the hedge pig whin’d.
Harpier cries, ‘ ‘Tis time, ‘Tis time.’

Diptanjan Sarma Purkayastha

(Please note that I have used some lines from Macbeth in this poem. Apart from these lines there are some references to the witches in Macbeth in this poem.)

Monday, July 5, 2010

In love with your reincarnation in my head


I reinvent your kiss
Through a supermodel’s lips

One, like you, that can only be dreamed of.

It is so nice to fall back in love
To have my heart overwhelmed

One more time.


It is nice to find you reincarnated
In my head,

As my supermodel.

A close friend once told me
“Change is refreshing.”


Have you ever read a love-poem when you were sad?
Tell me, my supermodel.

Everything is imaginary, isn’t it?
Tell me, my supermodel.


Will the ravens fly away?
Tell me, my supermodel.

They are staring at me now….


Yes, I close my eyes…

I rediscover my defense mechanism.


Old songs to be remixed
In a soulful, glamorous, stereophonic beat.


The ravens are still shrieking,
But I think of them no more.

I keep tenderly loving your reincarnation in my head.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


pieces of skin
desires of brain cells

fragments of music

absurd thoughts

tired eyes seeking flesh

sleep comes
sleep slowly, surely comes

you become half visible

the zero power bulb

a metropolitan lovenight.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Phoenix of Fire

The cobwebs on my guitar glitter in the moonlight.
Like a dead lizard I lie on the floor.
Death! I am reminded of your ever unseen presence,
In this facade, this hypocrisy, this life.

Choked, in the silence of my room, I open the window,
And behold once again the molested roads
Beckoning vehemently the creatures of the night
Who bewitch these vultures, these alleys, these rains.

I ignite a breathless cigarette.
And at last my mind becomes a phoenix of fire,
Burning to ashes the memories of meaninglessness,
Darkening by fire the injustice, the corruption, the political melodramas.

The phoenix flies away from molested roads, collapsing walls,
Away, free, beyond sanguine acid raining skies,
Singing the most beautiful song ever sung,
So that you may know, you may hear, and shed a tear.

I behold the extinguished ashes of the cigarette,
But the phoenix never lives a half true life.
I realize it takes immense endurance to become the fire,
Burning grief projectors, raining ashes.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Landslides and a molester

Landslides have blocked the road:

A firm barrier which can’t be crossed.

And on my way I have been stopped,

I’ve realized I can’t move ahead.

And as this heap hiding flesh and blood

Becomes blanched in the solitude of moonlight,

It speaks of eternal separation from you:

An eternal barrier which can’t be crossed.

And this heap of boulders and pebbles

Have projected me inside unwanted memories,

As I look at the flesh and blood,

I remind myself of landslides within me.

You couldn’t desire the lips of your molester

And I gradually became savage with weakening orgasm,

Your eyes were too perfect a mirror

And I gradually saw myself on it.

Now I wait for the road to be cleared,

Cleared of blood and boulders, flesh and pebbles,

And I hear your voice crying, from a distance,

An ultimate distance, it can’t be crossed.


each drop of rain outside

tells a story

and the thunderous drink ignites you

you search for the balcony

or the guitar

and try to remember a lost phone number

when you do succeed

you give it up

knowing well that you are not needed

the clouds reveal the moon

you fall in love

with nude pixels once again.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


"The night is long that never finds the day."
Stretch, may the dark night,
To such an extent,
Which can cover the human thought,
Welcome, not fearful will it be,
Because thoughts are bleeding knives
Or shall we say bloody nuclear bombs?

Dark clouds are enough
These days. Let them cover the sky.
The sun, even in the frosts
Is too scorching now.Our fingers
Do not hold our friends any more.No trust.
Where are we?In Hell?The devilish shrieking
For day light.With smiles we tear
Away fleshes. What else to eat?
Give me tears God! It was nice to be living.

'Let's go to sleep ,dears'
This had to happen. Come ,fall night.
No more nightly yells. No more blood .
Why: Just forget.Peace.
Once I was used to praying, mother.
You said: There is a God . A power.
But the Bell has rung.
That night may fall now.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Let Us Begin.....

Being a Snake

A snake bites, crawls, hides

In dark, like me,

Yet remains it for ever

Poisonous, venomous, a snake.

Here I am, in the

Midst of nothingness,

Flows beside a wasteful river

On an orb, on a globe, in nothingness.

I have been making

A God, an earth, a universe,

An idol with my muddy hands:

So long, so weird, so strange.

So easy-is it this easy

To know what’s pain?

Haven’t I loved you all:

My hurts, my flaws, my castrations?

I see you, drenched in tears,

I regret being a snake,

With an untrue, unwise hope

Of changing, of loving, of living.


(Dedicated to my father)

An Agony

That you all went away.

Far away, the moon cries all night long,

Silently, all night long:

Desiring to hail you all again by moonlight,

Hail you all,

O glorious brave hearts!

Rest now,

In your abode made by God,

In your abode of stars

Hidden by magnificent clouds,

Though the earthly grounds

Will be ever waiting,

To hear the sounds of your footsteps.

Your swords still shine,

For you fought well the battle,

The battle of life.

And somewhere in your abode made by God,

Somewhere in the glittering stars;

Is my father-

Another brave heart.

Now you all be our guiding angels,

Show us the way,

Lead us to fight,

By your spirit

Give us light;

To endure, to learn

Teach us;

O glorious brave hearts!